

GSH 穀胱甘肽有什麼功能?5 大穀胱甘肽功效一次看!


  • 年長者:隨著年齡增長,體內合成穀胱甘肽的速度會下降,此時透過額外補充穀胱甘肽,可幫助維持正常生理機能。
  • 有不良生活習慣者:常抽菸喝酒、飲食不均衡者,或經常工作壓力大、疲憊者,體內的穀胱甘肽都可能因此加速流失,建議額外補充,以幫助增強體力、維持身體健康。
  • 想養顏美容者:穀胱甘肽能幫助養顏美容,適合想維持青春美麗的人食用。
  • 備孕中的女性:準備懷孕的女性可補充穀胱甘肽作為營養補給。
  • 孕婦、哺乳期婦女:針對穀胱甘肽哺乳與懷孕婦女食用的研究尚不充分,可能存在健康風險,為了保障安全,懷孕和哺乳期建議避免攝取。
  • 嬰幼兒:對於嬰幼兒食用穀胱甘肽的研究不足,安全性尚未得知,不建議以非天然食物的方式額外補充穀胱甘肽。
  • 穀胱甘肽過敏:極少數人對穀胱甘肽會有過敏反應,過敏者應避免食用,以免引發過敏反應。

  1. Measurement of oxidized/reduced glutathione ratio
  2. Imbalanced GSH/ROS and sequential cell death
  3. Effect of glutathione (GSH) depletion on DNA damage and blood chemistry in aged and young rats
  4. Effects of Oral Glutathione Supplementation on Systemic Oxidative Stress Biomarkers in Human Volunteers
  5. Free radicals, antioxidants and functional foods: Impact on human health
  6. Glutathione(NIH)
  7. Unraveling the Potential Role of Glutathione in Multiple Forms of Cell Death in Cancer Therapy
  8. Free radicals, antioxidants and functional foods: Impact on human health
  9. Glutathione and its antiaging and antimelanogenic effects
  10. Evaluating Oral Glutathione Plus Ascorbic Acid, Alpha-lipoic Acid, and Zinc Aspartate as a Skin-lightening Agent: An Indonesian Multicenter, Randomized, Controlled Trial
  11. Preface to the Special Issue “Glutathione: Chemistry and Biochemistry”
  12. Glutathione and its antiaging and antimelanogenic effects
  13. Glutamine (Oral Route)-Side Effects(Mayo Clinic)

黃芷昕 Althea 營養師

黃芷昕 Althea 營養師

  • 畢業於台北醫學大學營養所
  • 高考合格營養師



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